List of membership requirements and signup form!
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A calendar of all upcoming Interact events with signup links and information!
Some frequently asked questions about DVHS Interact!
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Welcome to Interact!
Founded in 1905, Rotary International is the largest service organization in the world, with over 34 thousand clubs and 1.2 million members across more than 190 countries. Interact, which stands for "International Action", is Rotary International’s service club for young people. There are over 400 thousand members and 20 thousand clubs in more than 150 countries. DVHS Interact is partnered with the Danville/Sycamore Valley Rotary Club to provide service for both local communities and the broader world. We help run local festivals, start drives for people in
need, bring in guest speakers, and much more. We are part of District 5160, which stretches from San Ramon to Weed, close to the Oregon border. It consists of 68 clubs in 11 Areas. DVHS Interact is located in Area 11. District events are held four times a year to bring Interactors from all over Northern California together. These events include a Kick-Off, District Conference, Winter Retreat, and Bay Cruise. Information about the District can be found here. Interact is one of the largest clubs on campus with hundreds of members. We expect all members to actively seek out opportunities to serve those around them by following Rotary International's motto, "Service Above Self". In turn, this club will help members find their passion for volunteering. This is our official website and contains a variety of information regarding our club, including outside hours forms, event listings, and general information for the prospective member. Look under the appropriate headers for more info. Thank you all for being a part of Interact! All other DVHS Interact sites are old and outdated. Please use this one as your main source of information. If there is ever any problems with this site, please notify the webmaster and we will try to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you! Want to join Interact? Sign up on the form: Here For any documents related to Interact (Points Form, Outside Hours, etc.), go to the document section of the website here! |