Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Interact.
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact any officer or [email protected]!
What can I get out of joining Interact?
If you're interested in supporting the community in both local and international settings, Interact is the club for you! Interactors not only enjoy volunteering and fund-raising for a worthy cause, but we also know how to have a fun time. Every year, our district and club hold events such as the District Kick-Off, District Conference, Winter Retreat, and the end-of-the-year SF Bay Cruise - all great opportunities to meet people, and to make friends and connections! If you want to continue your service beyond high school, universities often have Rotaract, and adults can join their local Rotary club.
How often are member meetings?
Meetings are typically monthly unless otherwise stated. The exact dates vary by month, and will be announced through Remind or email.
How many points do I need and how can I earn them?
A member of Interact needs 10 points per semester to receive recognition. An officer needs 15. These points can be earned through attending Interact events such as fundraisers, serving food, District events, and more. All events are posted on this website, Facebook, and are mentioned at our monthly meeting. Up to 3 points can be earned from outside volunteering. In this case, one hour equals roughly one point. The outside points form must be turned in to receive points.
I signed up for an Interact event but cannot make it, what do I do?
Please notify the activity coordinator at least 2 days in advance so that the space can be opened for other potential volunteers.
What will happen if I do not notify the coordinator?
The number of points the event was worth will be deducted from your point total for the semester. For example, if you signed up for a 2 point event and did not show up, you will lose 2 points.
Can I do more than one volunteering club at once?
Yes, of course! The more volunteering you do, the better. Remember, you can only receive up to 3 points from outside volunteering. This includes other service clubs, Scouting, etc.
What can I get out of joining Interact?
If you're interested in supporting the community in both local and international settings, Interact is the club for you! Interactors not only enjoy volunteering and fund-raising for a worthy cause, but we also know how to have a fun time. Every year, our district and club hold events such as the District Kick-Off, District Conference, Winter Retreat, and the end-of-the-year SF Bay Cruise - all great opportunities to meet people, and to make friends and connections! If you want to continue your service beyond high school, universities often have Rotaract, and adults can join their local Rotary club.
How often are member meetings?
Meetings are typically monthly unless otherwise stated. The exact dates vary by month, and will be announced through Remind or email.
How many points do I need and how can I earn them?
A member of Interact needs 10 points per semester to receive recognition. An officer needs 15. These points can be earned through attending Interact events such as fundraisers, serving food, District events, and more. All events are posted on this website, Facebook, and are mentioned at our monthly meeting. Up to 3 points can be earned from outside volunteering. In this case, one hour equals roughly one point. The outside points form must be turned in to receive points.
I signed up for an Interact event but cannot make it, what do I do?
Please notify the activity coordinator at least 2 days in advance so that the space can be opened for other potential volunteers.
What will happen if I do not notify the coordinator?
The number of points the event was worth will be deducted from your point total for the semester. For example, if you signed up for a 2 point event and did not show up, you will lose 2 points.
Can I do more than one volunteering club at once?
Yes, of course! The more volunteering you do, the better. Remember, you can only receive up to 3 points from outside volunteering. This includes other service clubs, Scouting, etc.